Old Hat

I don't think that's necessarily proof that The Daily Show and Colbert Report are informing people more than other news shows. Rather that the people watching TDS and CR are simply more informed coming into the show, or seek out knowledge to understand why the hell most of this is funny. 
Also, I don't think either

I rather liked The Brief Wondrous Life Of Oscar Wao, myself. I felt it pretty far from "dull fluff".



I imagine all of that narrated by Orson Welles. Also filled with green pea-ness.

Back off man, he's a scientist.

+10 to Oscar Leroy for bringing back "Sheesh". I like the way you wear your hat.

I liked "And the Ass Saw the Angel", but it certainly didn't make enough of an impression on me to want to read more of his prose; it was a struggle to finish the book. I haven't had the desire to pick up "Bunny Munroe".

Yes, please keep me out of your ass. Thanks.

This is the first I've heard of this film—and it sounds fascinating.