
I'll post this from Sam Kriss at full length because it deserves to be read at full length

The thing is, while Buffy's first season is a drag its characters were great from the start. There are definitely some shaky moments but the trio especially of Buffy, Xander and Willow kept me hooked.

And she Broke Bad.

And Saul even specifically points out that Skyler's problem is she has no bargaining chips, nothing to give them to save her family from a prosecution.

@avclub-85ffb08f91a83b6566467b942828a560:disqus Yes he does, the mention of the blue meth tips him off that Jesse's still alive. His rage at the end of the episode wasn't just about Gretchen trying to remove ties from Grey Matter, it was also the fact that the neo nazis have taken his other brilliant invetion, the

Game of Thrones characters due to a distinct lack of guns around them have to think around the box and throw children out of windows.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus Everyone knows there's a disc supported by four Elephants, and then it's turtles all the way down.

Which is an interesting inversion, E.Buzz, because what led Jesse to a life of crime is him relapsing into drug consumption while lying and manipulating his parents. And now he can't escape that life because his surrogate father keeps lying to him and manipulating him, because that dick of a father keeps relapsing and

Yeah Gendry even makes a point of how the common people are just random nameless pawns for all the highborn families so that fits in thematically. Still a fairly cringey scene.

He pulled off the ballsy "As the Hand I advise you to not kill the Hand" manoeuvre that Ned didn't think of.

Just because you're the best castmember doesn't mean you have that privilege.

I'm not that crazy about Stannis. He's Ned STark without the compassion or empathy and despite his crazy hard-on for justice and the like, a warped sense of morality and what he feels he can get away with.

By your rather broad definition of soap opera, quite a lot of Shakespeare's plays can easily be called a soap opera.

Future book spoilers!

Molly's pretty young we try not to sexualise her.

I have a feeling Molly and Annie would get along well


Have you not watched British comedies before?