
They're both Australian and both have a slight lisp. That is all.

I'm on the last two episodes now and it's excellent. The flashbacks get a bit repetitive but mixed with the flash forwards it's pretty interesting. At least it's not as teasing as Hannibal or as frustrating as Lost. Perfect cast - especially Kyle Chandler, Ben Mendelsohn, Linda Cardellini (my #1 TV crush, of course,

Orson Dodge

I wonder if her middle name is Wet.


Cardellini :O she certainly wasn't a freak OR a geek!

I think you mean "I need these episodes to be an hour long". Can't get enough of this show.

"Moby Dick? Try Moby Double Dick."

Yeah I have family in Switzerland (I'm half Swiss) and I remember the TV being like that. One of the reasons it probably takes so long to get there is because they have to dub it!

To be fair I still buy series' on Blu-ray (or DVD if necessary), but I usually watch them first. The only US shows I do 'blind buy' are Treme and Hannibal.

Here in the UK the quality of standard TV is shocking. To compensate, I watch most (at least 95%) of my TV thanks to torrenting and Netflix. So if the figures are dropping here too, I wouldn't be surprised.


Dude, Google it. There are more. One is black, the other is older(ish).

"animals and birds"

Wouldn't there be frozen meat? Or canned? Or vacuum packed?

I'd prefer to see no flashbacks, unless it involves some cool twists. The way they did it in Lost was a little nauseating.

I thought he was referring to Dean Norris! Who was spectacular in Kimmy Schmidt, by the way…and that show is made for 30 Rock fans. Also, I really fancied Ellie Kemper so it was win win win win when I heard about it :)

Same, I only remember his from The Cabin in the Woods and maybe Parks & Rec (though I lost patience with that show so can't really remember him)…but Google tells me he was in Philadelphia too. I also saw him in the trailer for that new Steve Coogan show Happyish which could be interesting.

Kimmy Schmidt is a good replacement for those missing 30 Rock. I just watched the whole thing over the weekend and loved it!

I thought it was second cousins in the UK?