oh lawdy.
oh lawdy.
1. Herstory of Dance - B+
3. Basic Human Anatomy - B
4. Cooperative Escapism in Familial Relations - B
2. History 101 - B-
5. Advanced Intro to Finality - B-
6. Paranormal Parentage - B-
7. Advanced Documentary Filmmaking - B-
8. Economics of Marine Biology - B-
9. Alternative History of the German Invasion - B-
10. Intro to…
Yep. I was always amazed at the grades and comments this show received last season. Don't get me wrong, there were some truly astounding episodes that stood with the show's best, but too often the characters felt really far removed from themselves (especially Britta).
Great list!
Probably the best episode of the series. At least top 5.
Huh. I rolled my eyes for most of the episode but I thought the third act kind of saved it. I think it's weird how forgiving you are to some eps like Felt Surrogacy (a gimmick episode that did nothing new or interesting) or Heroic Origins (another episode that was much further up its own ass than this one) and then…
elzhi. joe scudda. etc.
Britta hasn't seemed like an actual human being since season 2. If they "nailed" her by giving her blue hair and a few stock "anarchist" outcries then she is probably beyond saving at this point.
if anything Todd has been way too easy on this season. dude gave the puppet episode an A- for christ's sake.
A B is very, very generous. This whole episode seemed to be the result of someone saying "hey, wouldn't it be funny to see Annie in braces and Britta with blue hair? that's funny right?"
yeah, that was the only legit laugh of the night.
I should also say that, I'm sure once the effects of having a watched a good portion of season 2 recently wear off, I will be much more willing to ignore the flaws of this episode and just embrace the good. Because it's still fun to watch this show every week and get whatever I can out of it.
Maybe it's because I just watched a ton of season 2 episodes recently, but I'm not ready to join in on the lovefest for this one. The tone may have been markedly better than the past few episodes, and there was some truly funny stuff (Rotary Phone Repair, the Troy/Abed dick joke), but it's hard to get past the fact…
"Yes, Troy comes in and completes the conversation, but the whole thing doesn’t work when it comes to recognizable human behavior, even for this show."
Very blah episode. Not a single joke landed by my count (I actually think the only thing that made me chuckle was Chang saying he had to take a deuce), and the third act made the whole thing feel even more inconsequential than it already was, if that's even possible. Certainly not the worst thing they've done this…
the LL/Paisley thing was hilarious.
I honestly thought this was the best batch of sketches I've seen them turn out in a while. A refreshing break from Californians, game shows and Armisen in drag.
Bayer is great. I think those who dislike Mckinnon are probably the same people that despised Wiig. She can be grating sometimes but there is a lot more good than bad.
the SNL grades here never cease to amaze me. this was a really sharp, fun episode that featured a ton more clever writing than usual. Vaughn was great. but maybe melissa mccarthy is your idea of funny.
except all they do on a weekly basis is try to be Harmon's community. they haven't done a single bold, daring thing this season to move the show forward. they had a shot with Kevin but ultimately went the generic, 'evil-chang' route.