He's got a point. It does rely awfully heavily on the common reviewers' device of describing the songs only through comparisons to other bands.
He's got a point. It does rely awfully heavily on the common reviewers' device of describing the songs only through comparisons to other bands.
You've Done It Again, Bejar!
I agree with this review with a minor caveat. The first three songs feel like Trouble in Dreams outtakes dolled up in the lush new Kaputt sound. They're all good but disappointing since, apart from a couple of songs, Trouble in Dreams didn't do anything for me. But starting with "Suicide…
"Good Luck" by the Marlboro Chorus
I can't remember how I came upon it and no one I know has heard of them. If you like guitar pop I would highly recommend it. Their other stuff is mostly good too.
Springtime Can Kill You was one of my favourite albums of whatever year it came out. You've just reminded me that I did not listen to her most recent one and I think I should rectify that.
I wore out the B button on all my Genesis controllers because of Road Rash.
Could be wrong but I thought Quendra was talking to Pierce. It wouldn't be the first time he offered money for sex on the show.
I prefer his earlier work.
Her unlikeable qualities are actually well-utilized here. The show isn't very good but she's the only part of it that even approaches funny.
Best Nilsson Song
Mucho Mungo/Mt. Elga
I don't get Noel's dismissal of Touch of Shmilsson. I do agree that it shouldn't be the "gateway" to Nilsson but to say it "Actively impedes pleasure" goes way too far. It's a very good record.
I discovered it through the Permanent Records feature here and it has become one of my all-time favourites, in an eternal struggle with Hot Buttered Soul for the top.
I know it's probably intentional that you are on the Onion's channel on YouTube but the fine, stupid, stupid people of YouTube are very confused right now.
*stroking chin*
Next time open your eyes wider, Squinty.
Nah, he just pissed off.
All that matters
Everyone vote for "Southern Girls"
Here's an idea: they bring back a washed-up David Wallace. Perhaps one that has gone on a huge downward spiral through divorce, alcoholism, etc.
I'm fairly confident that they are only throwing Kelly into the mix to toy with the media and people like us.
I already suggested this above, but I think Gabe could pull of the inept-but-surprisingly-capable-boss role but in a different way than Michael does.
Of the current cast, I think Gabe has the most potential. Zach Woods has been doing a great job with him and I think they can get a lot more comedy out of Gabe's easily manipulated weenie-ness. I'd also be worth seeing if and how Dwight could recalibrate his boss-worship to someone like Gabe.