Johannes Kepler

Fuck yeah!
Hitchin' on a twilight train
Ain't nothing here that I care to take along
Maybe a song
To sing when I want
Don't need to say please to no man for a happy tune

The Black Eyed Peas are unfunky and they're obsolete and they're out of time. Gonna take your funk and make it theirs (without obtaining proper legal clearance).

And I likewise wish death upon you, internet stranger, for having a different opinion than me on something totally trivial.

But That Was [Yesterday]
Awful "game". I kept trying to put that mopey fucker out of his misery but it wouldn't let me.

I regret my oversight. There are three contenders but I don't think Guaraldi is a clear winner. Maybe it would be different if I considered "Linus and Lucy" to be a Christmas song, but I do not.

He left on top. He knew what we all know now: that he had just made himself a legend. A legend does not need to sign a wall to be remembered.

This was really great. It was very cool to watch how their chemistry seemed to keep building as the song went along.

I can't disagree. I've watched this a few times and every time I lose it when he gets to the piano solo.

Any chance that we will be getting an Undercover CD or mp3 this time?
I need to use this as the last song on a holiday mix CD.

I thought Transference was, as a whole, a bit of a down album for Spoon. (though it does have "Trouble Comes Running" which I think may be the best new rock song I've heard in a couple of years.) I would suggest Fantasy has a better rank because it actually is better.

Reading this makes me realize how little new music I've listened to this year…
Most of my year of music was spent going in depth into older artists that I previously only knew of superficially like Kris Kristofferson, Gene Clark, Curtis Mayfield, P-Funk, T. Rex and many, many more. I can't say I miss keeping up with

You know, I was actually thinking about an hour ago that AV Club needed a Julian Assange gimmick poster and now here you are. Amazing.

Slade-esque, actually, and that's my problem with it. It is more fun than Benson's and I enjoyed it well enough but I can just go over to youtube and hear Slade do it the same way but better.

Sources tell me
This is also why Guillermo del Toro is no longer directing the Hobbit. Peter Jackson just hates fat people ever since he skinnied himself up.

You don't understand. They were Libyans disguised as Palestinians so they could take refuge with Israel-hating hippies. Hence the Volkswagen.

Beats Anakin.

I saw another remake on a… certain type of website which really nailed Betty's… casting.

I enjoyed it and it inspired me to check out the original, which I like better because it's more sing-a-longy.

Could it be?
I thought I saw Andrew Bird's name on the wall but Mr. Benson's head was blocking the last name.

And your wives?