To ease the transition, Modell gave that one guy his beard.
To ease the transition, Modell gave that one guy his beard.
So this is concentrated, less frequent videocracy? As a loyal videocracy patron, I like it. But I definitely agree with cutting the intro down and giving us a bit more video. This is AV Club, we can provide commentary for ourselves.
titi… heh.
Me too, Neytiti! Post-grad limbo has been a real boon as far as internet commenting goes.
They're now saying he's dead.
hmm… are there any porn watching or blog commenting apps?
My interest is piqued. Please keep talking.
"New" iPod shuffle
"Button Classic, I love it"
NO! Give in, he's right. And if nothing else it would revitalize the Discovery Channel's stale programming
um-be-yada, um-be-yada, um-be-yada, um-be-yada
I liked how one of the guys from Retribution Gospel Choir signed like an athlete and put a number beside his name. Maybe he's a Gordie Howe fan.
I don't get it…
I think streaming could make producing crappy sequels even more viable. The crappy sequel business is all about doing things on the cheap and taking advantage of the name of a previous successful film. Streaming will make it even cheaper because you don't have to make physical copies, while the same idiots who would…
Two sequels in one: Me, Myself and Irene…and Dupree
On one of my birthday's (roughly 10th), we went to a hockey game. We came home fairly late by my standards at the time, but my parents let me stay up and watch tv. I came upon an episode of Flying Circus on PBS and, I am not kidding, I turned it on right at the start of the Dead Parrot sketch. Clearly, the best random…
Al Green
The first song I heard was "Take Me to the River," which was a result of Talking Heads. That immediately began my love of not only Al Green, but also the entire soul genre.
It took me three or four tries to get into them, but when it hit, it hit hard.
I read about and then downloaded it song by song from kazaa without having heard a note. The first song that finished was Holland, 1945, and the rest is history.
Apart from Thunder Road, I can't think of a more stirring opening song.
My right hand is far too brutish and powerful for the job. I need the soft, sensual strokes of the left.