
I forgot the tag line:

Scares the shit outta me
She was a midwestern girl in NYC for the first time. . . .

Feelin' Kinda Patton
I know I might get some shit for this not being a music show, but it goes up there with "ruined by drunk hecklers" and it was a show by a true rock and roller. A few years ago I got the chance to see one of the best, Patton Oswalt, at a club in NYC (Caroline's). I was so psyched, but before he

A Story
A while back I went to see a friend's band. After the show, and the post show party, a group of us ended up at some 24 hour place. The subject of "Worst Concert Experience" came up. When it was my turn, my Knob Creek tainted mouth when off on being forced to see the Counting Crows. I drunkingly went off on