
The Count wasn't punished for his 'political poetry', he was being punished for being an aristocrat. The reason they didn't stand him against the wall and shoot him at the book's beginning was that he had written a poem in 1913 that was considered inspirational by the revolutionaries.

Continuing Kara no Shoujo 2.

The two 'cancer' episodes were only the second and third best Archer episodes. The one that followed them, 'El Secuestro', was actually the best (and belongs in the top ten.)

"I'm an animal" by Neko Case.

And then you can shake his hand, because, you know…

Slight, schmight, the super-sad two man zipline is now my favorite Cougar Town moment.

Missed the payoff

The best part was that I was grimacing when the episode started, as I expected a "Hank crashes the wedding" story line to develop and some big storyline related to the Hank/Gretchen/Jason thing, which is my least favorite part of the show.

Rosen-britt and Guilden-hank are dead.

"The Women of 1867" …worst Playboy spread ever.