
And did I just wish CancerAIDS on myself right there? Double shit.

Guy Fieri
was a cheese fries in a past life.

Whew, my sloppy typing almost cost me… you're one of my executive producers, right? I can never get them sorted out.

Jean Reno's a good cop with a 25 years of service to the force.
Emma Watson's the 19-year old server at Olive Garden.

EVERY TIME I get close to sleeping with Natalie Portman, something gets in the way.

AVERT confusion!? They'll be on us in a second now! I bet the script is already in its second draft! They've already cast 3 insufferable leads and one character actor who should know better!

Okay, okay. You've sold me. Now get Tarantino on the line to produce/direct and send Nataile Portman to my trailer for things entirely unrelated to the film, but entertaining nonetheless.

POSSIBLY CRITICAL QUESTION- How do we make Jean Reno young for the role?

No women, no kids.

Or it could be Hentai. People who say 'lolita' and would structure a title that way= the Japanese.

Please do not say 'Mad TV Sketch the Movie'
MAD TV has eyes and ears everywhere, and they might hear that and begin shitting out a movie to beat 'MacGruber' to theaters.

A kilt under your pants would really be more appropriate. *clicks tongue.* This'll have to go to the Supreme Court of Plaid in Glasgow, but I gotta say it doesn't look good.

Beat me to it.

When the Commies take over, they'll force us to measure broads' gams in KILOMETERS! And pay AMEROS for plaid shorts! Vote no on everything!!!

Love for plaid legwear means kilt or nothing. Kilt or go home. Plaid shorts are not an option for people with hearts and souls.

At least we know for sure
We know for sure that this guy is an earnest douche. Those gals who sang "Raining McCain" were possibly trolling, right? This guy we know a lot about, thanks to CCN, confirming his status as a dick.

Rolling Stone gives you ***1/2
Pitchfork gives you 5.3
NME gives you a 9/10 and would like your comments to headline a festival.