
Man, I'm so glad i wasn't the only one whose mind went there with the Belle/'your child' moment. It took a full 3 seconds after the reveal before my mind caught up from the "holy crap! you are kidding! nope nope nope!"

I was sure that if/when we met the original Leda, that she'd be an older version of Sarah (therefore played by Tatiana) becuase…clones? I don't know, am I missing something? The reveal was ok but I didn't predict she was Leda because I assumed that the clones would be well…genetically identical, only older. But

When i started the episode (streamed since i'm in Australia) I seriously thought someone had uploaded a fan-made video. Couldn't quite believe it wasn't until she woke up…

Haha true. It carried on the current theme better but maybe i'm just a sucker for that Bjorn/Ragnar moment when they reunite years later and Bjorn mentions Gyda. Maybe if he'd said "the woman who saved my brothers" instead of emphasising Ragnar, it wouldn't have felt as removed for me? I don't know

Am i the only one that was disappointed when Bjorn named his daughter Siggy? From the moment they said it was a girl i thought he'd name her Gyda after his sister (who died in season 1). It would've made for a nice moment

I get the impression that Conde is being groomed almost as a Bothwell type character (for those historians out there). I don't know, I like the guy but I'd still want a proper Bothwell. With a Scottish accent preferably.