It can be two things

I really hope these are released in the bi-weekly one-hour window I have to pay for ATDI-related music.

I heard Craig David had final say on casting the role.





Because of the fireworks. I mean, it's right there in the comment.


Raise the Pressure was almost complete toss but I'd go to bat for "Forbidden City".

I find myself deep in Idiot Country…

Just to add to that, one of the things that makes Angel Dust (indeed their masterpiece and a contender for one of my top 10 records of all time, for what it's worth) such a rewarding relisten is how varied it is (bro-rock they ain't). Each track is FNM's take on a different flavour of rock (pop, metal, death, country

Apparently, Neil Tennant is pushing for this.

Just the tip-top.

Pfft - you find a first intern to throw a second intern under a bus. And find out what's taking that </third> intern so goddamn long to get a simple goddamn skinny cappuccino while he's at it.

It's like riding a bike, right?

Do reach back

Cobie smoulders, Tom cruises.

Eh, I'm getting enough empty calories just reading this.

Time to par 3.

I guess 'succeeded' can mean two things.