It can be two things

Queasily upvoted.

Can't we leave George Lucas out of this just once?

"Notice any other coincidences there?"

In samways, yes.

Then can just rhun and rhun, can't they?

Worried that we're dragon you down to our level?

Sorry - it's a bad hobbit of mine.

Page number? She's tolkein out of her ass.

This is… alright.

I see your definition of 'win' and my definition of 'win' are very different, Mr Splenidiferous.

He's into a very different set of twin peaks.

Age of Consent!

They're just trying to make an honest crustacean.

Speak for yourself.

I'm on a 40-year winning streak.

I didn't. But I did I know I wanted to say something facetious.

50! The night is truly dark and full of terrors.

Maybe they'd be happier if they'd be taught how to use hyphens.

"If this is anyone but John Swartzwelder, you're stealing my bit!"
