It can be two things

He can be two things™

This comment thread… feels like home.

Rumak, you quicksilver-fingered medical practioner, you.

Yes, but what about Taylor Swift appearing in Law & Order: SVU?

You keep settin' 'em up, I'll keep knockin' 'em down.

Maybe be meant something else… altogether.

Indeed it can, Ed - but how did you work out? A little hunch back at the office?

You could be two things.

As you should be.

What the fuck?

Thanks, lurking person. I'll check it out when money and time allow.

I finished Cryptonomicom last week and, questionable politics aside, enjoyed it immensely. Should I move onto The Baroque Cycle?

You know Yvan Ehtnioj? My old Russian penpal? This is kismet!

I hope that finally find out who drank my Arnold Palmer.

Sgniht owt eb nac ti.

He's terribly, terribly forgiving.

He can do two things.

We are…

This guy get it.