It can be two things

@avclub-d71760750778a95386b703f5c9e474f0:disqus Since @avclub-620982009915db2a0b4a49e224bad30c:disqus is in the UK, his weekend will have started roughly 14 hours earlier.

@avclub-d71760750778a95386b703f5c9e474f0:disqus Since @avclub-620982009915db2a0b4a49e224bad30c:disqus is in the UK, his weekend will have started roughly 14 hours earlier.

It took two years but it was worth it.

Funny because true?

Funny because true?

I'm looking forward to hearing the the 15 new versions of Go Your Own Way we both need and deserve.

I'm looking forward to hearing the the 15 new versions of Go Your Own Way we both need and deserve.

Coldplay is already one big fucking joke so…

Coldplay is already one big fucking joke so…

Like singer, like bass player.

Like singer, like bass player.

There's only one way to beat them/LAWSUIT AFTER LAWSUIT

There's only one way to beat them/LAWSUIT AFTER LAWSUIT

You've got style, @avclub-53a226780628f3d898494942ad3dd491:disqus. You've got class.

You've got style, @avclub-53a226780628f3d898494942ad3dd491:disqus. You've got class.



@avclub-620982009915db2a0b4a49e224bad30c:disqusThey keep catching on our terrible teeth, dear boy.

@avclub-620982009915db2a0b4a49e224bad30c:disqusThey keep catching on our terrible teeth, dear boy.

Pussy ain't shit.