
foa 21 ac

Everybody subscribe to Hulu Plus to give them spare cash!

I like the dialogue. Two worldly scholars putting television on trial, week to week.

People needs to be talking about it more! Hypewagon hops. :-D

How many people who've read these books in full use are old enough to use twitter?

But "Louise" was the one who Louis gave precedence and the time to deliver the entire monologue during that segment of the show. So it was "some white guy's show". It just so happened that it was one of the most talented, well expressed and intelligent white guys you could have tackling this sort of subject matter.

Some people just aren't into her body type. Men and woman both have their preferences. If they aren't assholes about it, then they aren't assholes for having them. Just because it'd be nice to live in a world where everyone loves everyone doesn't mean that the people who prefer one thing over another are terrible

But there's nothing so mysterious about any people who have that prejudice. They are simply people who do not like and would rater not see somebody whose body type does not meet their criteria. Its a prejudice like any other. Its no good, but its no great mystery.

There are no "real" women or "real" men. There are people who look the way they look because of their environment, habits and whatever else has made that particular individual look the way they do. If somebody is chasing another look, then its still theirs. What's fake about it? That they were under the influence of

People on the internet are uninhibited and find themselves in a position where they don't have to filter themselves or have what they toss out into this sea of data to be of consequence. I don't find it interesting. Many, many people lack integrity and are unable to conduct themselves accordingly. Instead their

The totally lame ad hominem attacks against all of the many people who may have legitimate gripes against the series that aren't based on the "daring" decision to appear nude makes it hard to take you seriously.

The hell am I saying

"No matter how sad it may be that the only way many will start to understand this maligned populace is if a white guy explains it to them…"

Solange sounds like a condiment.

Hey I loved The Might Boosh

Speaking of The Majestic, its no Man on the Moon.


And then there's Bob Benson. (status tbd)

I don't find Ginsberg's progression/descent so baffling either.