la derive

Spolier: your mileage may vary..

Well Kacey Rohl must have seen that finale coming..

For fun plugging ℑ⊇◊⊆ℜ, /\/\/\Y/\, the spelling of, though not pronunciation, Freur..

Discharge is still around!

See also Knights in White Satin.. the Moody Whos???

Better late than never

Like that time at Live Aid where he sang 'no time for losers' onstage at a charity event..

ctrl + F: 'arse'

Terrence Malik doesn't stay in the same place at the same time..

My first ever baseball game was a 1-0 14 innings marathon as the US beat Japan on the opening day of the Sydney Olympics.. and in my 2nd the Dodgers scored 14 in 3 innings @AZ.

happy: computer crashed and after rescuing files we are left with a clean factory reset blank slate to play w/ and overcomplicate, entropy be damned!

Just streamed season #2 where Jake Epping goes forward in time in order to stop the assassination of President (REDACTED)

Time will determine if this consolation will be Werdup's reward..

Michelle's car is a McLaren.

loving Kim Wexler, real people no gimmick just decency personified and playful don't use us Gilligan, we know Mike's future but Kim is our endpoint here, detoxing Saul's Cinnabonism and leaving us enchanted, Bali High..

Anarchism <<< Communism <<< Socialism <<< Social Democracy <<< Liberal Democracy

Ken Dodd's dad's dog's not dead shall be the whole of the law..

This week I 'ave been mostly wearing Dolce and Gabbana..


Lady Penelope sadly passed away last week, 88, Parker: yus, m'Lady, you can stand down now..