la derive

If you are not afraid when seeing the police, you are privileged.

Four Candles to rule them all, Four Candles to find them,
Four Candles to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

If your livelihood requires someone else's dollar maybe you need to rethink, maybe this is the conversation we should be having, hashtag bread and circuses..

As we are finishing up with Justified just a little add. Since Arlo died Raylan has turned into some kind of magical genie, popping up everywhere just out of frame, like the Shopkeeper in Mr. Ben. Ava though, lovely, Goddess in trouble, stepping up to the emotional plate and stealing all. 8 episodes to go..

Meanwhile in Bizarro West Wing, ie rl, the opposite lol

Except that..

Excuse me while I put a fig in my mouth..

are we doing worst song it's still rock'n'roll to me can i leave
this here

Ah, me mistaking this, thinking you had hit the nail on the head with
Johnny Nice Painter..

Yup, Sydney, 1990s were spent watching cricket in bed more often than not.. Bowled, WARNEY!

Walkabout, Nic Roeg's Walkabout..

That's my wife you're talking about, and some of those addicts had a per diem..

I used to have a clamshell ten years back - common term here Down Under, Simpsons be damned..

Flaked, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?

did Hap & Leonard get any better..?

KTF Kim..

Check the boot, trunk, Eliot's head, whatever..

Relishing Justified #6 and struggling with what can replace it. Think I've seen everything now, may be time to take a break, let some of the new stuff become old stuff, maybe Vinyl, Leftovers … where's RECTIFY!

Good luck opening his coffin..
