la derive

Trump rallies: stupid … dumb … supporters

Don't you ever, don't you ever..

And Jaws contained the word absofuckinlutely, 10 yr old me showing 10 yr old friend this leading to parental displeasure and furtive knocks on the front door, leading to, and this is the insane bit, 10 yr old me receiving paperback copies of Confessions of a Taxi Driver, guessing as educative. Heathens!

Mike held onto that post with an iron fist, not for balance but to stop himself throwing a punch back at Tuco. He always has the longview upfront..

The AV Club

Everybody ain't here, man..

a neurology professor, Dr. Richard Cytowic, has described the peculiar off-putting qualities of Ted Cruz's face as backpfeifengesicht, literally 'a face in need of a good punch.' Germans, maybe don't give them everything, but credit where its due..

Not if I travel back in time to stop James Franco he won't..

Was looking to stream Out 1 but there isn't enough internet..

Australia's premier portraiture art exhibition The Archibald
Prize hits the sticks so Sunday, Taree, after scones in
Moorland, is us..

Reached that middle part of season #5 of Justified, you know, the lowest part. The writers have lost their A-game, the Boyd /Crowes arc is less interesting that that one scrabble scene with Tim, and Olyphant, as both actor and character, plays amateur hour insouciance, just a tv-trope dick with no weight, no internal

Sydney Opera House Sunday night, tix still available.

If this is where it is then Dil or No Dil..

Band camp..?

What Dr. Who did to that lovely Bill Hartnell was unconscionable, hashtag Boycott: Year Fifty..

nailed it

Third baseman ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ disagrees..

Kim looked like I imagine Debbie Harry would look like home movie night thirty years back casa la derive.

Today's biggest winner was Hilary who moved from slightly odds on, where she has always been to 8 /15 as the field less Trump was blown away.

The safe word you're looking for is Bloomberg.