la derive

… from your perspective.


Just catching up here on some of the new (11.22.63 & Vinyl) and adding some of the old (The Leftovers), seeing what grabs this bifurcated add process; also running this week with an unseen Extras 2nd series, while (yeah, while!) trying to read Peter Carey's Amnesia; absorbing the implications of whichever mode of this

The British are coming!

69 and fearful!

The other john ain't..

words on the finales of Justified_4 and Fargo_2 that UFO indifference and Peggy's are tied up, and Olyphant is the premiere depth actor around right now - he shows more in one contradictory quarter of his shadowed face than, yup, wherever you go there you are..

You beat me by about five seconds was just about to add 2016 Golden Globe award winning Christian Slater..

Well played, sir.. One of the very best.

Slade did it..

Past tense..

Daniel Day-Lewis is due his due again, so he can shadow me for five years as is his wont..

'Abandon all hope ye who enter here is scrawled in blood red lettering on the side of the Chemical Bank near the corner of Eleventh and First and is in print large enough to be seen from the backseat of the cab as it lurches forward in the traffic leaving Wall Street and just as Timothy Price notices the words a bus

If you believe..

Mike Milligan was the future- the evolution of a sociopathic hitman into its bureaucratic corporate white-collar raider..

New Zealand is Australia's New Zealand..

Kimberly was played by a lot of people..

Every time you go away, you take a piece of meat with you..

If Elizabeth Warren is not publicly nominating Sanders this time, she will be waiting in the wings without a wrong bet attached..

not really pop culture but things are afoot politics wise so am gearing up the rest of the year to stream this little s***fight in the US The People vs The Other People, should be fun, my horse is sanders but he may be 20 yrs too early and if we need to undercut the game a less beholden Trump may be more fun than;