Because that would be a different film, that and because this wanker went to *private school*.
Because that would be a different film, that and because this wanker went to *private school*.
@F*** thatMickey7
America's favorite condiment (von Salsa) is right in a cynical way.
Solutions that work are hard to come by.
Blaming teachers and Teachers' unions is easy.
@Wing nut
Did I miss something?
Is there a market for "thinking individuals"?
I've taught for 23 years.
I've been highly involved in "the union" as a rep for 13 years.
The simplistic notion that Charter schools can solve the complex problems facing America's educational system is a cotton candy fiction.
I believe the preferred nomenclature is Chinese American…
Here's an inconveniant truth:
50% of the black males who fail to graduate from [public] high school will wind up incarcerated.
In regard to his only 10-15% of kids are tracked toward college: Current educational debate has postulated that we may be sending too many kids to college.
I don't care whatt he looks like but I take exception to a lot of what he's laying down.
@ Arsinio
Life is boring?
Milf in a mini-van
Like a Mayan?
oops -god- should be *good*, at least I think it should be.
unfunny is also dismissable.
Obnoxious is dismissable.
Mayebe, it was God, Davey
That is potential thread material.
I've held off on viewing "The Big Lebowski" with my current (very serious) g/f because I'm afraid she may not like it.
She's not a cinephile.
On the other hand she loved Casablanca when she saw it.
Snidely Whiplash thanks for bringing MF up.
For me MF led to reading Hammet.
Which led to reading Chandler.
I love that fim but I probably should have said *film*