Bob And David

Consistency apparently isn't a problem for the writers—since when can a non-owner of a house uninvite a vampire. Sheer stupidity considering previous storylines where this has been explored.

To further my claim that it would have been DOWNRIGHT STUPID to shoot Hal—and that Pope was NOT the voice of reason:

Your claim that Pope was the sole voice of reason was completely idiotic. First of all, everybody in the camp has gotten all sorts of chances after fucking up. Happens constantly. No ashtray skulls.

Hey, jackass reviewer, did you watch the episode? It EXPLAINS why he doesn't kill Sookie outright. The whole purpose of Warlow's deal was to get Sookie—killing her would be the absolute LAST thing he'd want.

You're not funny.

Superman Returns was garbage. Look at the user scores. You see, critics, unlike normal movie-goers—they base opinions on how it makes them look to other critics. If it makes them feel like intellectuals because they run down a Snyder movie, then they'll do it. If being contrary makes them look like they're winners,

It's not possible. End of story.

First of all, saying "it's a comic book universe" is only a half-truth. This version of Green Arrow, doesn't call himself Green Arrow—and nobody has superpowers. To explain things away just by saying "It's a comic book universe" is idiotic.

Keep in mind that the Huntress from the comics (all of them, including Bertinelli) has a VASTLY different origin story… One that better lends itself to her abilities.

Keep in mind that the Huntress from the comics (all of them, including Bertinelli) has a VASTLY different origin story… One that better lends itself to her abilities.

This show makes no sense. Okay, so we're to believe that Oliver is the guy that's going to teach Helena not to kill? I mean, he's killed how many minions over the past few weeks? Plus, in the really crappy scene where she broke Tahmoh Penikett's neck with an open palm strike (wtf), he broke some random dude's neck

This show makes no sense. Okay, so we're to believe that Oliver is the guy that's going to teach Helena not to kill? I mean, he's killed how many minions over the past few weeks? Plus, in the really crappy scene where she broke Tahmoh Penikett's neck with an open palm strike (wtf), he broke some random dude's neck

You assumed wrong. The police in the scene right after say that both thugs had their necks BROKEN.

You assumed wrong. The police in the scene right after say that both thugs had their necks BROKEN.

First of all, just because it's a "superhero show" doesn't mean all of the fights should be unrealistic, poorly choreographed, and downright unbelievable. The fact of the matter is that Arrow is edging towards a realistic spin on the DC comic. Stuff like last night's ep feel even more forced when taking all of this

First of all, just because it's a "superhero show" doesn't mean all of the fights should be unrealistic, poorly choreographed, and downright unbelievable. The fact of the matter is that Arrow is edging towards a realistic spin on the DC comic. Stuff like last night's ep feel even more forced when taking all of this

I find it odd that a full grown man still has his daddy's name on all of his accounts—from stocks to private checking accounts.

I find it odd that a full grown man still has his daddy's name on all of his accounts—from stocks to private checking accounts.

Nobody is commenting about how fucking terrible the fight scene was with Helena and Tahmoh Penikett's character? He got an open palm to the neck—and his neck—ehm—broke? Brittle bone syndrome?

Nobody is commenting about how fucking terrible the fight scene was with Helena and Tahmoh Penikett's character? He got an open palm to the neck—and his neck—ehm—broke? Brittle bone syndrome?