Ruttling Orange Peel

@Better at Guitar: Your $200 may very well be as playable as a guitar costing 20X more, but playability isn't the only factor in what makes a good guitar. Tone is, arguably, more important and tone comes mainly from quality wood and hardware. $200 guitars don't have quality wood and hardware.

Miller was never all that liberal, but he did slowly move to the right during the 90s, to the point where I had to stop watching his HBO show about half way through its run.

I just think it's funny that Rowan had to check Wikipedia to get the correct spelling of "Fred."

Seriously? They edit that? Imagine if they'd left in the "he fucked a little, bitty baby" line.

I'm pretty sure you can download the Paris Hilton sex tape for free on the internet. Although, I don't know why you'd want to.

I heard that Watterson waited too long to sue, kind of like Lucas with Reagan's "Star Wars" program.

@Joker: You are wrong. The ending of the US Life on Mars was the worst ending to anything ever. And I'm not being hyperbolic; I fucking hated that ending.

Maiden always struck me as one of those the-louder-and-faster-it-is-the-better-it-is bands. I'll take Priest any day.

The way I usually state this is: Rich guys don't have to fuck fat chicks.

Wasn't this more "moved" than "towed"?

I knew Arsenio was from Mass, but I always imagined that he lived in Bellingham, which is the town next to where I live. Arsenio Billingham from Bellingham — I just like the way it sounds.

Dammit, Warren! Here I was thinking you were an alright guy for that Raspberries comment and then you had to go diss Zeppelin (again).

@Warren: I knew there had to be someone out there besides me and Lester Bangs that like The Raspberries.

The best part of IMGL was how completely lost The Edge was when he had to play the blues.

Scots hate it even more when you call them Scotch.

I remember renting it on 4 VHS tapes and finding the 1st and 3rd excellent and the 2nd and 4th significantly worse.

I like the fact that Carpenter makes B movies
His movies never have the look of modern A-list-B-movies. You know, big budget and big star vehicles like the Clash of the Titans (which I saw just a few weeks ago and remember absolutely nothing about).

@Arsenio: They're BETTER in season 2?!?! Hardly seems possible.

I just started watching 30 Rock on Netflix
And the question I have is: Have Tina Fey boobs always been that awesome?

@legally concrete blond: Remember rated GP movies?