Asswype Johnson

Neutral Milk Hotel eats it too.

This douche, oh my god. Indie rock in general has just become such a mass of pussy whiny bullshit, and Colin Meloy leads the charge. The Decemberists are like Alton Brown queefing sea shanties.

Asswype Johnson
I was just a little kid when the Giffin/DeMatteis JLI stuff was coming out. My uncle used to buy them for me when I was first getting into comics. Holy shit, do I have some good memories of those books. Here's what's hilarious to me now: Moore was originally going to use the Charlton characters in

I'd always rather read an RR like this—with an actor I don't care about and roles I'm mostly unfamiliar with, but who's forthcoming and engaging and honest about what in their oeuvre is good and what's shit—than with an actor whose movies I like but who never says anything but

I was mocking religious people. And they are all hypocrites. Except some fundies, because at least they have the sack to follow their religious texts to the letter and stone a bitch to death because she was seen unescorted within 500 feet of a dude or whatever.

Big Love is a show about the moral relativism and hypocrisy at the core of ANY religious belief system. For the Henrickson's, Juniper Creek is too fundamentalist but LDS is too loose, ignoring the principle. Meanwhile, Bill is secular and a sinner in Roman's eyes, while the LDS looks down their noses at his family as