Lez Lemon

Always the downer
But jeez, coming from a super alcoholic family, your witty quips on your drinking problems are really bumming me out.

Lulz, you guys don't really appreciate the good cocksuckers anyway.

He says "intertubes" and "for reals"!!!

How does anyone have sex without oral sex involved? WEIRD.

I like the Yeah Yeah Yeah song. It's not bad.

I firmly believe he's off to develop business in my pants.

Oh noes, a woman has had anal sex without you! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR

I know what you think of me since I read people's minds. Standing up? Is that even possible??

do over indeed
What happened to my comments? Granted, it wasn't exciting, but….still…

I KNOW I did not click anything twice, thanks buggy AV Club.

Wow, the internet is such a sad place. Really?

I passionately love you all who have referenced Bugs Bunny.

I'd do him.

I haven't been to many…
But the Flaming Lips at the Phoenix in Toronto was 400 kinds of so much fun. We were finding confetti for days afterward.

Dave Chang!

When the commercial for this came on I started laughing. Any movie that goes with "Pacino. De Niro. What more needs to be said?" pretty clearly doesn't have anything else going for it.

om nom nom nom
*I'm* a Dave fan. More of *that* please!

I WAS high last time I saw this and it helped nothing. I am not a lot of fun.

That's how you Americans run your elections? Desperate bids for Kevin Costner's support?
