The Lawgiver Bleeds


The Classics Department at my university used to sell "Hippocleides Doesn't Care" t-shirts and "Archaeologists Do It Old School" bumper stickers.

I had no problem following Game of Thrones…but the stupid, operatic plot and the hateful characters tired me out pretty fast. By the start of the third ep, I was convinced that Bran would have amnesia and I'd have to stop watching.

Hey, hey, hey, NaturalBlues. Let's not bring Sarah Jessica Parker into this.

And that little boy grew up to be……………………Roy Cohn.

That guy needs to wash his face and his hair. That's some greasy shit right there.

Also, stop living in Germany and stop eating Mastodon.

Dumb lyrics? Are you saying that faeries do not, in fact, wear boots?

"Berger" is the show about the kid with the gigantic horse cock, right?