
The original BBC (Scottish) mini series wrapped up this story in two hour-long parts. It was very intense, partly due to the removal of all extraneous details. The US version is already twice as long and a hundred times less focused. The only major problem with the BBC version is the heavy Scot accent, which makes

The producers have cast The Red Viper, a Chilean actor named Pedro Pascal.

I just remembered how they can present the information about Jon's parents. There was another there with Ned when they took the tower. His son now teaches Bran to have green dreams.

I think the Hound is still planing to "sell" Arya to Riverrun, although as she realizes no one still living there will recognize her.

While waiting for WOW (or for the Wall to melt, which ever comes first), I started re-reading the series. One notices a lot of details that don't seem important at first reading, but become important upon second —especially after the Red Wedding. I think others have mentioned Daneary's seeing the wolf headed king in

Jon doesn't really need it, once you realize who his parents were.

I'm puzzled by Jamie's early return to Kings Landing. It seems he's to be present at the Purple Wedding. Will we still get the sex on the casket scene anyway?

In Clash of Kings she kills a guard at Harranhall with the same "dropped coin" diversion. he was her second kiling by her own hands; but we can;t forget the three she named to die at Harranhall.

"Dany's liberation of Slaver's Bay ends up turning into rather a disaster in the books."

Hitler watches the Red Wedding

After downloading the "Ball of Beasts" mentioned earlier in this thread, I decided to make an audiobook version. I had the Jon Lee version of AFFC and the Roy Dotrice version of ADWD but decided it would be awkward to have two voices. So I hunted down the more recent Dotrice reading of AFFC and following the sequence