Bed Bath and Beyonce

Um, Hulk has always been able to jump and run extremely fast. In fact, the dessert scenes were literally the only cool thing in the entire fucking movie.  So you are STUPID STUPID STUPID and your child will NOT get the operation you are requesting.

This movie is awesome, so many funny moments.  The songs are especially funny:  "Friends Come In All Sizes" is pretty great and "My Stepdad's not mean . . . "  is a stone cold classic.

I love that throughout the movie it is hinted that Burton actually does have incredible reflexes and that in the moment of truth he catches the knife and throws it back. It's kind of a subtle thing but I always liked that about the movie.

I'm going to say definitely Sling Blade.  Pretty much every line he utters in that movie is awesome and he is incredibly scary and horrible in that movie from top to bottom, start to finish.  He plays a loathsome human being very, very well.

Agreed.  I loved how it was shot in real time; how professional they were; how fucking . . . easy . . . it was.

I completely agree. i think the Entity is by far the scariest movie I have ever seen.  The fact that no one believes her; that it happens to her all the time; that it happens in front of the children; and the ending.  Oh man.  It's such an icky thing but so, so scary.

They were runnin and playin and cursin and yellin and tellin and look at this young punk bailin

I am going to go ahead and say that it:

No shout-out to the scene where the assistant DA says he has to go talk to Peter and then walks in the room, makes chit chat with the new gal, and then heads back out?  That, by far, was the best sequence of the night.  Really well-played by the assistant DA, and very well written.  I just wish they had followed them

West Side Story



Endlessly quotable is right.  You start to remember the best lines by Early . . then you start to quote Early . . . pretty soon you start to think like Early . . . and then it's all over for you.

The Reviewer really needs to see the Van Halen documentary episode.  It is a stone-cold classic — especially given that the character had been around for all previous seasons and then BAM you find out that he is immortal, sacrafices children, has clones . . . really funny, well done, hilarious.  I am laughing thinking

Jodie Foster, who everyone knows is a lesbian, directs her first movie in 15 years, and it's called "The Beaver"?

Single Serving . .
What about the airport guy in Fight Club: "notice the article: 'the' vibrator . . . not 'your' vibrator . . . "