
I thought the chains were to do with the masters chains; don't they get a link of a specific metal in their chain to show a subject they've mastered? The chains in the library could correspond to the subject area like a really heavy Dewey decimal system.

Also, I know I should remember I'm on the AV Club here but I couldn't think of any way to work a snarky pop culture reference into my rant. I apologise to the community.

You see the side that you think weren't murderous psychopaths were the ones who shot 13 innocent people on Bloody Sunday. The Saville Comission ruled that those solders knew the protesters did not pose a threat but they still shot them. So far there have been no prosecutions. And that's one day. The British Army

You said: "The idea that there was no 'right' or 'wrong' side is frankly disgraceful." I think it's pretty accurate. You said "one side is outright evil" I think they were both evil. If this review is accurate it would seem the documentary doesn't romanticise them but tries to look at the complex realities, which is

Even if you insist there was no collusion between the army and the loyalists the Army themselves still killed 300 people over the course of The Troubles. The 13 civil rights protesters killed on Bloody Sunday probably didn't feel like the British army were 'protecting' them. I'm not defending the Ra whatsoever but

Poor Man Bat
I liked him. There's a nice grant morrisson comic where batman fights an army of ninja man bats in an art gallery - very cool.

I'm a sad broke loser
I go to the sawbuck gamer column to find things I can play for very little cash only to find I would have to splash out on an iphone to play most of these.

Ah but didn't you love that lack of originality? Ripping the whole ending from Jaws? And the shallowness of it all? It's a great action adventure that really doesn't pretend to have anything to say about texts, in just plays in that world in the same way that James Bond can play in Jamacia and tell us fuck all about,

You shall know our viscosity?

What is the Twat?

@ terry1 - see, that's a reasonable response, he's not as good as other less successful writers but generally a genuinely nice guy. But only in the twisted world of pop culture would 'nice guy writes books I don't like' inspire quite so much vitriol as it does on every other thread here.

What is the What is quality. I normally avoid books about 'stories that need to be told', mainly because I am vacuous and shallow, solely interested in gimmicks and amusing titles (Raw Shark Texts anyone?) but it really kicked me in the teeth. Y'know in a good way.

You know what guys,
I fucking love Dave Eggers. I love all his novels. His short stories rock. His short short stories are awesome. Hell I even bought a collection of Donald Barhteleme (I have no idea how to spell or pronounce that) stories based on his intro to it. And you know what? It rocked too.

@ mollymauk

His name is Mel for christsakes! Mel!

You're shitting me right? This is a hilarious ironic joke that I've missed, right? Right? Gibson as Hamlet is a godawful abomination! The great procrastinator becomes Lethal fucking Weapon? I mean, I know this a pop culture site and all but aren't we supposed to have a basic understanding of something like Hamlet to

My beef wasn't really that it was a nice portrayal of 'liberals', (I live in the UK your liberals are still insane right wing gun nuts are far as we're concerned) just that it was a sickly sweet romanticised portrayal of politics. Sorkin's comments about it being a love letter hits the nail on the head, but who the

Watch The Thick of It goddammit!
"For all we know, this is exactly what happens all the time. We just don't see it behind the layers and layers of PR."

LP really turned me on to Ellis, I've gone on to read pretty much everything he's done apart from American Psycho which I've no real desire to put myself through (Cheers Brett, you talked me through it in Lunar park now I don't have to read about the mutilation and shit). I thought it was far and away his best book