Elf with a gun

In the absence GaryX:

I love you JRJR, but you are no Curt Swan or John Byrne. Superman isn't for you. What's with the fucking lines on his suit?

Has Bill Finger been given co-creator credit yet for Batman? No? Then fuck DC and fuck Dan DiDio.

There's a nice torrent floating around in chronological order from the beginning. It also incorporates BPRD.

It's former child star with a shitty beard day around here.

All the sudden Tom Brokaw is cool now.

They will pay… with rivers of blood!

Try the fan edit entitled Alternative Edition Redux it adds a lot of the deleted scenes.

It's not bad. I enjoy it. The sequel covering the second and third books is an improvement and worth seeking out.

Pat Morita as Yoda!

Star Wars, Nothing But Star Wars

Winnie looks absolutely beautiful. She truly belongs here with us among the clouds.

SPOILER: They're all robots.

The Equalizer 2: Math Destruction

Banger Sisters? I hardly know'em!

Dude, you need to go back and listen to the end of Dark Side, or If, or Free Four, or San Tropez. Waters sung plenty before Animals.

Reading your drivel tells me you need to go read a book. You're on the wrong site, gobshite.

His Hulk sucked. It was silly. The Hulk was a jerk you couldn't empathize with.

Of course it's necessary. Sava has a bias on anything pre-The Ultimates. Seriously, go back and read his columns. Dude, has no historical perspective, dismisses all the writers from gold, silver and bronze, recommends Ultimate Spider-Man as your gateway.
