Sheep Shearing Enthusiast

UNplugging Sleigh Bells = hero of the night.

Phantom Menace is better than Return of the Jedi? A Real Housewives show has characters as rich as the characters on Mad Men? Maybe you should change the name to Unreasonable Trolling!

Yeah, I mean, it's hard to argue that the chit-chat in the back half of the episode wasn't a huge letdown after the tense standoff and the windshield zombie.

The thing with Glenn deciding he has to be a lone wolf and can't let Maggie's love make him soft is interesting and they managed to convey the concept pretty well in Glenn's dialogue, but it just reeked of bullshit. After almost eating it on a rescue mission I'm pretty sure any dude would be too psyched to be alive

3 great examples of massive internet hype with no talent attached… Comparison made.

Maya Angelou skit was amazing, Cosby show skit was good (if only because Armisen was impersonating Cosby, which was bad but slightly less horrible than his Obama), Weekend Update was great, and Sleigh Bells was HILARIOUS. Do people seriously listen to that shit? On purpose?

God damn, that This American Life segment about the undercover high school students pissed me off. What a scumbag that lady was, taking advantage of this kid's crush on her to get an arrest under her belt. I don't know the legal definition of entrapment but if it doesn't include shit like this, somebody fucked up.

Agreed. Those short stories always scream "filler" to me. I'd rather just hear a half-hour episode if that's the alternative but I guess they have to fill a time slot…

Bill Maher? Sounding arrogant? Unheard of! I thought the Maher one was good, if a bit superficial, but holy shit was the intro LONG. I don't even remember what Maron was going on about but it was like 20 minutes before he actually allowed us to hear the interview. Is that a record? I wonder which episode has the

I've been a fan of Who Charted for a while but I just could not get through that Jake Fogelnest ep. He was just too godamn giddy for no reason and every single attempt to be funny was DOA. The thing with Kulap's laughing is, it's infectious and amusing if she's laughing at something actually funny or some amusingly

Yeah, I mean, you can bitch about how cutesy the Ewok's Home Alone deathtraps were, but the scenes with Luke, Vader and the Emperor are some powerful shit. Try to think of a film series with an ending as satisfying as that!


It's hard to know what kind of face you're supposed to make during something like that… I guess ideally you should be looking stoic and contemplative but not everyone's face can pull that off and some people just look confused.

They should roast Mark Wahlberg sometime, it seems like he has a terrific sense of humor about himself.

You're gonna have a heart attack when you find out about Norah Jones.

Answer: tUnE-yArDs

LiKe tHeir nAMe, the mUSiC itSeLf iS pRetTy anNoyInG.

Sweet Lord, No. That "Kristen Schaal is a horse" shit set the case for women being funny back worse than Victoria Jackson.

Yeah I dunno, I love the idea of a rock savior as much as the next guy but the Black Keys kind sound like shitty John Spencer Blues Explosion wannabes.

What sort of evidence are you referring to, out of curiosity? I haven't read much about him that sounded all that different from typical dumbass teenage rebellion, but then it seems most of the stuff about the case on the web was written by staunch Echols advocates.