
Everything presented in this article is something I can agree with, but I do have to ask: is Midnight Cowboy considered queer-themed? That won Best Picture.

I'm kind of upset at all the negative responses in this comment section. AVClub is full of intelligent, kind folk and as far as I'm concerned, it's hard to criticize this move by Speedy Ortiz. This is the first time I've ever seen a band take genuine initiative to look out for crowd safety BEFORE problems happen.

I'll throw my hat into the ring and say that far and away, my favorite Decemberist album is The Hazards of Love. Unbelievable songs, arrangements, long-form storytelling, and oddly for me has aged the best of their albums. Their other work, even their more recent stuff, sounds like the mid-2000s to me. The Hazards of

Disappointed at the lack of either Begin Again or All Too Well, probably her two best tunes. The former especially, I've played for several people and the reaction is always "Whoa, THIS is Taylor Swift?"

Obviously this is here because of 1995, but I would like to throw out some other VERY worthy candidates for best epic YLT song:

Not to nitpick, but I was disappointed that And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out got only a passing mention and then fell outside the ranking as that's my favorite of their albums. I think along with Painful and I Can Hear the Heart is the only one of their records that deserves to be considered one of their

My roommate, a computer engineer and Simpson fan, recently read this and enjoyed it. Said it would probably be too math-oriented for most people but is still really cool.

How does no one have any athletes listed? I feel like those are the only autographs I have haha. Larry Bird, Ray Bourque, Carl Yazstremski…

What's He Building In There is maybe improved…

I think what this episode reinforces is that the main theme of this series is how the world changes and they people evolve internally through that external change. In season 6, we see this change happening rapidly and aggressively and the characters were thrashing around trying to find where they fit in, sometimes

This is so great. He's so self-aware of all the shittiness and condradictions of being a football fan, but is shamelessly in love with the sport. Also knowledgeable enough to back up the snark. I've been waiting for sports writing like this my whole life

I have not seen this new show, but I have to say, in what way did Summer Heights High receive lukewarm reception? Might be a cult classic, but that cult is rather large at this point and many people I know are pretty enamored with that show. I personally really enjoyed it but don't have a lot of interest in this new

Shea Stadium BK! Even snuck a Titus Andronicus t-shirt in there

I've had a couple days with this now and am very frustrated with the new design. Looks-wise, asthetic-wise, it is radically improved but this is at the cost of a lot of the functionality that made AV Club (particularly TV Club) such a great site to visit. The idea of having the shows you follow, being able to filter

I admit I forgot he had a hand in writing it, but Godard wrote the actual screenplay and directed it and I've never seen the film credited to anyone but Godard. It was just a weird sloppily done reference in an otherwise great episode. Chelsea Peretti continues her path to being a break-out star.

How is Breathless a cop movie? And it is NOT by Truffaut. This is a very good show but their lack of fact checking is pretty shocking


Yes, on a technical level this is a trainwreck, but on a purely comedic level this is too funny. I had laughing fits that I rarely have when watching SNL. The fact that something this specific and weird could get cut and something broad and boring makes it into a show just tells me that I need to spend more time

I think it was definitely a fake epiphany which added a lot more weight to this whole episode. Yes, she was earnest in what she was saying, but she failed to make a connection with someone who was genuinely trying to connect with her. Immediately after her monologue, she starts criticizing Joshua, calling him the

I love Kanye, but what I'd really love is a Mountain Goats Primer. He has so much work and it's tough to know what to go through, even for someone like me who knows 6 of his albums very well.