What the Whaat

Was anyone else disappointed that Jess's Teddy fakeout wasn't played by Dave Franco?

I'm ready!

I'm ready!

Clifford Olson, the Canadian serial killer who received money for revealing locations where he had buried his victims, was the reason why I was never allowed to play outside as a child (he snatched kids off the side of the road). He had been in prison for about fifteen years already, but I lived in the area that he

Clifford Olson, the Canadian serial killer who received money for revealing locations where he had buried his victims, was the reason why I was never allowed to play outside as a child (he snatched kids off the side of the road). He had been in prison for about fifteen years already, but I lived in the area that he

I'm surprised the comments haven't talked more about Lyta. I wasn't aware of the larger comic book connections when I first read the series but I always found it interesting that her fate is very much a Greek tragedy. Was this also part of her 70s incarnation?

I'm surprised the comments haven't talked more about Lyta. I wasn't aware of the larger comic book connections when I first read the series but I always found it interesting that her fate is very much a Greek tragedy. Was this also part of her 70s incarnation?

I watched the entire episode shaking my head at the state of today's youth until the throwaway line at the end that revealed the kids were twenty three…I'm only twenty two. I've finally aged into my personality! HORNBERGER!!

I watched the entire episode shaking my head at the state of today's youth until the throwaway line at the end that revealed the kids were twenty three…I'm only twenty two. I've finally aged into my personality! HORNBERGER!!

So when he misses the football his foot will karoom out of the screen thanks to the amazing advances in 3D? Cause that's suspense!

So when he misses the football his foot will karoom out of the screen thanks to the amazing advances in 3D? Cause that's suspense!

What is that red thing on his chest? Is that a BLOCK of gummy candy?

What is that red thing on his chest? Is that a BLOCK of gummy candy?

Oh did they? I thought the whole point was that no one knew who the victim was related to. Here's hoping that the cases get a bit more plausible in the future. I get that this isn't the point of the series, but I still want to see a locked room mystery.

Oh did they? I thought the whole point was that no one knew who the victim was related to. Here's hoping that the cases get a bit more plausible in the future. I get that this isn't the point of the series, but I still want to see a locked room mystery.

What I don't get is why Sherlock got called in on the crime anyway. Why does the NYPD need to consult on what appeared to be a robbery/homicide with a clear witness? I mean, it might have made sense to call him after they discovered the suspect was in a coma, but from the beginning? C'MON!

What I don't get is why Sherlock got called in on the crime anyway. Why does the NYPD need to consult on what appeared to be a robbery/homicide with a clear witness? I mean, it might have made sense to call him after they discovered the suspect was in a coma, but from the beginning? C'MON!

I just loved his work in…IMDB

I just loved his work in…IMDB

I'm still waiting for The Young Man and the Sea to be green-lit.