
I don't hate anything…just people that hate things and hate me for not liking things…and all these serious songs because Thom York is a direct cause for people hating Taylor Swift, and like I said you shouldn't hate anything. What was the question again?

Girls talking about their "silly" feelings for boys is uncool? An attractive celebrity making an album about personal crushes and flames is risky? What planet does the author live on?

Would anyone take 1000to1 odds there's a single episode where zero people die? What's the over/under on body count these days? 8 maybe? This show has lost touch with the universe.

All I too could think of was Inigo Montoya and before that Tyrion basically paraphrases a monologue themed 'silence of the beetles.' And there's no way Tyrion is gonna die. Just no way. There's still plenty of Freudian/Oedipusian circle jerking to pull of with that family.