
Hey… the wonders of disqus. Don't know how that happened. I guess I have one login when I'm at my desk, and one when I'm taking a dump? I guess I should use this to set up the world's least convincing sock-puppeteering.

Most of the time, the Bunker is just a modern-day Zoltar.

nine inch nails is trent reznor. So that's probably why he felt free to do other stuff in the 90s.

"noncompliant cis- and transgender women are sent to an off-planet prison" - I want the snarkiest, most politically correct holier than thou answer to this question, but… isn't this just "non-compliant women"?

"Do you want a comic that tells you it's funny? The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl will tell you it's very very funny and will never stop telling you this!"

Stewart O'Nan wanks candidly but forgivingly, apparently.

A rare case of the original author being the one to argue for the kind of hackneyed plot changes that are usually the result of death by committee? "When Danny gets cornered he calls out to his father, who briefly regains a measure of control over his body, long enough to tell his son he loves him and give him time to

"I think what I think because basic research suggests Dr. Luke is a huge asshole, but I still went out of my way to try to not say 'I'm sure this guy is a rapist'" - is that really going out of your way? I mean, there are a lot of huge assholes out there, and there's no reason to think they're most likely all rapists

That just means pre-crime was a great idea, and a completely insane prison system was a bad idea… which it would have been regardless of the pre-crime concept - sticking people in tubes forever is a bad idea, either way. It's a bad idea if the prisoners haven't yet committed a crime, and it's even worse if you wait

Nah, Sensation Comics is still pretty mediocre, and none of it holds a candle to the recent Azzarello run. The best woman writer of Wonder Woman remains Kate Beaton. "Hey, watch me use my lasso of truth… Shut up."

Pre-crime was a great idea. According to the movie, they cut down on something like 99% of actual crime, meaning that the system was enormously superior to our current post-crime system.

This would be slightly annoying, except for the fact that it's entirely irrelevant. Still, the tape transcript seems to reveal a white guy who came to an actually relevant and useful conclusion about himself - that even if he thought racism had no part in his personality or outlook, there was still that seed of shitty

I think it is a wonderful and most good thing when there's a video in the article and some words in the article and the words tell me what it is that is funny in the video that is in the article. Otherwise how would I know how to feel about the expressions and mannerisms matching up to some voice clips used in the

"having been bred in Boston under the watchful eye of professor and historian Frank Randall"… He takes extensive notes.

Oh, you're so geomorphic. Not only that, you're fundamentally chthonic.

The AV Club thinks to reify means to make real. If the AV Club didn't exist, we would have to invent it.

There's no upset in team.

But this isn't how she speaks (in any other interview). Here she (or her transcriber) goes out of her way to be entirely wrong about a large number of words and phrases that she didn't need to be wrong about. Instead of being a passive-aggressive little shit, you can join the mystery-solving crew and figure out what

This isn't eloquence, this is what someone with English as a distant third language and a hefty dose of pretension might think passes for eloquence - both incorrect and unnecessarily labored.