
If Bil Keane haunted the MAD Magazine offices, pitching them jokes, and each of these jokes were touched up by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer (Disaster Movie, etc.), then passed on to Nick Swardson to read aloud for comedic timing and inspiration, you would have a stronger product than Good Vibes.

I never liked that show, it's very easy to detach him from the role.

I'm sorry, but Goatwhore > Pig Destroyer. I'm callin' you out, Arsenio.

Carving out the Eyes of God
This was surprisingly a good list. I'll even give credit to Toxicity (although their 90's self-titled debut was their only true metal[ish] album). Queens of the Stone Age, while a great band, has very little to do with metal, if anything. I'd say they're more attached to the hard rock scene

Yarr, thar be Spoilers Ahead!
Some people haven't had the airport spoiled for them. Sticking it in a review might ruin it for some. Just pointing out.

Yarr, thar be Spoilers Ahead!
Some people haven't had the airport spoiled for them. Sticking it in a review might ruin it for some. Just pointing out.

Hopefully next episode. I was almost turned off by the show just from the terrible introduction, but luckily I gave it a chance.
How about that NWA inspired song from an episode or so ago? It was also terrible, but less so. It did the same job of introducing every character in the show… several episodes in. Did that

Leftover Crack's Mediocre Generica was also released on 9/11/01, and I think they do a much better job using this fact (see 2004's Fuck World Trade).

Just harsh songs alone aren't family friendly. Metallica, Megadeth, Motorhead, that crappy Abnormality band… anything remotely heavy makes most parents shit their pants. Rock Band 2 was pretty clean, but not good for the uptight parent.
Rock Band 1 might be more family friendly, but it is also dated. Not that you can

Batman has won my heart. You are the hero we need, not the hero we deserve.

Borderlands is a fun game. I understand if you don't appreciate it, but it clearly just wasn't your style. That's fine. However, if we judge things by how much fun one person has and not how well others will enjoy it, we'd have a lot of 0%s for World of Warcraft. It's not fun to me, but clearly the amount of work put