
Can I just tell you this story? I follow the official Wu page on Facebook and they had a post a few years back advertising nunchucks for sale with the Wu-Tang logo on them. I was feeling like a smartass and commented on the post thusly: "Wu-Tang Clan ain't nun to chuck with" and you would not believe the responses.


Complete with "elevator broken, use stairs" signage.

I agree - they are all variations on that SNL character who is married to (excuse me: lov-ahs with) Will Ferrell. However, that character is brilliant and never fails to delight me, so she can do it until the end of time and I will sign up to watch.

Is that not a letter?

Talking Heads - yes yes yes yes yes. Anyone who thinks the SMS version of Once In A Lifetime is less than utterly transcendent is out of their mind. I love to hear the dude at the end screaming his damn head off, like he can't believe what he just witnessed.


I saw that 'reservations' line coming a mile away.

You are not. I loved seasons 1 and 2 like precious children. I have yet to make it past episode 3 of this season. This season feels like a pale imitation of the previous ones, in acting and writing.

Nina posted an instagram video where she alludes to being eliminated because she sent Valentina home the week before. Pretty sure Valentina got Valentina sent home. She supposedly has a longer video explaining her thoughts, but I don't care to see it. I feel heartbroken about Nina. When the premiere aired, I

I re-watched the part where Titus walks into Gordy's studio at least 10 times. The look of sheer delight on his face kills me.

Agreed - great episode. I guffawed at Teets & Asky and I haven't laughed out loud this season since Pepper's LSFYL. Ru seemed really pissed when she sent Val sashaying away (she usually gives a more loving farewell than 'I really thought you could go all the way'), but I suppose they're just setting us up for the

So agreed!

Oliver!!?? I agree that the pacing was a little weird, but I really enjoyed this episode. I love RPDR and have watched each season as it aired starting with S2, but I rarely guffaw (it's usually wry chuckles this show elicits from me). I had three seperate laughing fits this episode. Sasha's remark about dying so

Michelle Visage's nose contour was full-on Magnolia Crawford

Thank you. I used to fall asleep to Jeeves & Wooster on Hulu, but have been Netflixing Midsomer Murders in MSW's absence. I will check out what Hulu has to offer these days, in the polite and murderous category. :)

I re-wound that scene so many times, and if I recall correctly: his eyes widen slightly and he seems to suck in his cheeks a bit. And you can see every single thought he's having. So good.


Aw, I like Roxxxy's cutaway interviews.

No Redd Kross?