
I don't know where you looked what up, but MacGyver ran from 1985 to 1992. The metaphorical Wall came down in 1989, and was finally physically demolished in 1992. The Soviet block, however, lasted well into 1991, so it's not unthinkable that the sudden loss of a dependable archenemy is what did MacGyver in.

I don't own a 5.1 surround system, so his 5.1 work has eluded me, but his stereo remasters and remixes of King Crimson are all top notch. It also helps to have Robert Fripp lying about to give input, of course.

Yeah, the guy may not be the most technical drummer who nails everything on take one, but it could actually be his strength. Robert Fripp has said of Brian Eno (talking about the period in the beginning of the 70s) that since Eno did not really know how to play, he really paid attention to what he was doing, and the

Indeed. One edit too many. Thank you.

A mere fucking remaster would not help. If anything, it would make the album sound worse, considering that most new and shiny remasters are just louder versions of the original album with way less dynamic range. What ‘…Justice’ needs is a remix, and judging from what I've read, every engineer and producer involved in

In all honesty, those drum tracks had to be painstakingly edited, cut and pasted together from a gazillion takes. Quoth Fleming Rasmussen:

I was just about to post this, but what you wrote suits me, sir.

Because the World Cup just ended. Otherwise, it's been a splendid month of great matches, no?


And water breaking invariably means you need to be rushed to the hospital immediately, as if the writers have no children of their own or haven't been informed that water breaking does not mean that birth is imminent and that hospitalisation is usually not needed before 12 hours. It is probably just easier to have the

Rade Šerbedžija is Serbian (from Croatia), not Russian. It's even in the wiki.

Amazing longevity for a show that has surely and steadily been distancing itself from whatever made it interesting in the first place and substituting soap opera in its stead.

There are quite a few torrents available on torrentino.ru, although you need to search in Russian for Десять негритят (and look out for the word Скачать, which means download). Opensubtitles.com provides the subtitles.

The Soviet 1987 version is as dark and gritty as it gets, including the ending. I was 12 when it came out, and went to see it. Some scarier scenes almost made me shit myself. The IMDb rating is spot on, as much as I recall: http://www.imdb.com/title/t…

One of my many favourites of his quips in that film was a comment to Turturro as to why the taxi's meter was running at an exorbitant pace: ‘You're probably a speedreader.’

It was not Smith who was explaining his lack of luggage, it was Bob Nelson.

In the EU institutions, you're at a serious disadvantage if you don't speak French. With the exception of the ECB, all the main institutions are located in partly or predominantly French-speaking countries (Belgium, France, Luxembourg). In that sphere, French is still a major player in diplomacy.

The one that drives "Rock 'N Roll Junkie" is memorable and also great. Likewise, "Primal Scream" has a ripping bass line.

The one that drives "Rock 'N Roll Junkie" is memorable and also great. Likewise, "Primal Scream" has a ripping bass line.