
She did seem a little puffy in the face compared to the last couple episodes.

He was hilarious. And then he goes on to fist-bump the black guy. I was cracking up!

Funny, I thought his toned arms were talking to me. lol

Good review of a good show and I admit I had to look up "stochastic."

I get it. Your response made me smile and I concede you that are right. For every masculine gay guy we have effeminate ones, I loved Jack, maybe more than Will. It sounds like we are both advocating for balance in the characters, at least I am. And the more conservative Cy is balanced out by James' more extroverted

We can agree to disagree. While I am a straight woman, I like the fact the Cy is not stereotypical. If you have been paying attention to real life, it is actually not very far fetched that there are at least a few -closeted- gay, republican men in D.C. and I doubt that very many of them act like the stereo-type gay

He means stereotypical. Just like I've said, if some people don't get a stereotype, they just can't relate and enjoy a show. For the rest of us who are trying to move on into 20-fucking 13 and being more accepting and inclusive, we appreciate the fact that some of the gay guys on tv are not drooling at the

LOL at …can't keep his hands off Olivia long enough to pass a bill. That (the slap)would be awesome and a nice nod to the soaps of the '80's. We already had the homage to Dallas whit the "Who shot Fitz" storyline.

Olivia is having a very hard time dealing with dad. I agree, the way it's being played out is as if she didn't know that Daddy Dearest was a monster, when she found out five years ago. and yeah, with everything that has happened, you start to wonder how much can she take. I would have liked the show to give her time

I sorta agree with your thoughts. And I gave you an up because of the Eminem ref! Made me smile.


Midterms this week so I have to keep it brief. I didn't like this episode very much. Like others have said, the best part was Mellie's diatribe. And as someone else suggested below, it would have been great to have the show end with Mellie's speech and her turning off the lights on Fitz. Overall this episode would

@Grrr.Argh. I was replying to domingo. And for the interview I clicked a link posted further down by frozenfresa. It is for a site called hitfix.com. The interview was from this month. Ms. Rhimes make good points regarding people who don't watch the show due to the moral dilemma of Liv's adultery.

I agree with @domingohaliburton below. Shonda Rhimes herself in an interview linked this very comment thread, said that she thought it was interesting how no one seemed to have a problem morally, watching Breaking Bad or Tony Soprano. And I agree. I think you can watch Breaking Bad without advocating the manufacturing

That's the point, in the flashbacks she looks a little younger because of the bangs. Rhimes and co. do manage to pay attention to *some* of the minor details, for example I have noticed in the flashbacks that Liv's ring tone was different. That is one of the occasional realistic touches because over the course of a

Joe Morton was very scary and like I said on Scandal's FB page,somebody needs to start a kill folder on Eli Pope aka Miles Dyson!!! We need the Terminator to come back for him again. LOL!

LOl at "no assasin ties"

Yes that does seem to be the obvious thing to do, simply use  Amanda Tanner, but of course, then we don't have roughly 1/2 of that last epi. But yeah, that would have tied things up in a very neat little bow because as you mentioned Amanda is dead.

A few days before this season started I was thinking that maybe Harrison is her brother and he knows this but she doesn't know and he knows that she doesn't know. But I couldn't think of a reason why she would not know and why he wouldn't tell her. That is the only thing I come up with to explain Harrison. You know?  

What she/he said!!!