
Thanks Myles! I knew you'd find it much easier than I would, and I tried for a long time last night. Sorry I had to impose that ending on you again…

Thanks Myles! I knew you'd find it much easier than I would, and I tried for a long time last night. Sorry I had to impose that ending on you again…

Needless to say, more great work from Mary-Louise Parker in this episode!  Definitely the most emotionally rousing episode of the season, seeing Nancy grasping at opportunities to be with her son.  Very touching material, and a great scene between Kirk and Parker makes me yearn to see some growth in there relationship

Needless to say, more great work from Mary-Louise Parker in this episode!  Definitely the most emotionally rousing episode of the season, seeing Nancy grasping at opportunities to be with her son.  Very touching material, and a great scene between Kirk and Parker makes me yearn to see some growth in there relationship

I very much agree - I'm hoping that the only reason why they insist on keeping Jill is to both provide a contrast between the new Nancy and her sister, and to explore Andy's relationship with Nancy, especially romantic.  That would possibly make this seemingly-throwaway plot worth something.

I very much agree - I'm hoping that the only reason why they insist on keeping Jill is to both provide a contrast between the new Nancy and her sister, and to explore Andy's relationship with Nancy, especially romantic.  That would possibly make this seemingly-throwaway plot worth something.

I actually thought this was a good episode - seeing Nancy reflect on her life and use her manipulation for the good of her fellow patients was a nice change of pace.  If the plan is to turn Nancy's life around in this final season and make some interesting commentary on the family's past and portray a different

I actually thought this was a good episode - seeing Nancy reflect on her life and use her manipulation for the good of her fellow patients was a nice change of pace.  If the plan is to turn Nancy's life around in this final season and make some interesting commentary on the family's past and portray a different

Her performance last night is absolutely deserving, and would make a terrific submission!

Am I the only one who wants to see more James Spader?

He was listed as a principle cast member in the official press releases for the first two seasons, but he is no longer credited there either. I assume he's no longer on the show.

While Weeds may be tired and done, I challenge you to compare The Big C's second season finale to Weed's second season finale. I haven't even watched The Big C this season but know that nothing can compare to that episode of Weeds!

I forgot to mention how amazing the fight between Jill and Nancy was on the subway. That felt like series finale material!

Very mixed emotions about this ending. It's serviceable as a series finale, if it needs to be, and is ambiguous enough to let the viewer form their own opinions on the aspects of that last scene; however, I'm very unsettled knowing this could be the series finale of Weeds. I want definitive answers and a definitive

That would be a disservice to Carrell, but the Academy LOVES Spader, and the role seems to have a gravitas that will probably at least land him a nomination!

I didn't think the episode was bad at all, or that the family got annoying, but I think the hourlong premiere would have been better taking the Modern Family approach, with two practically stand-alone episodes, maybe tied together with some small continuity. The camping / honeymoon storyline was too limiting for a

Very nicely written review. I love that this show receives acknowledgement somewhere! My only negative comment is that you spelt the family's last name wrong: it's Heck.

Amazing episode, as it makes it seem like all of the storylines from the season actually have purpose, and makes me extremely excited for the season (possibly series…) finale!

I really liked this episode. The Silas-Nancy conflict has been boiling for most of the season and it will be interesting to see where they go from here. It's obvious that this could be setting the stage for future seasons, but that's fine with me because I think a season of Nancy competing with family could be very

I didn't enjoy this nearly as much as last weeks terrific episode. The only part that truly worked were the scenes with Lily Tomlin, who was phenomenal here!