
Best episode of Web Therapy yet! While Fiona has been pretty one-note throughout the entire series, as manipulative and self-centered, she finally showed so emotion and we were able to actually sympathize with her character. Kudrow found a perfect balance, and the scene with Fiona and Jerome was truly excellent for

Not absurd or unrealistic by Weeds standards! Foster giving Nancy his townhouse because he's on the run is convenient, but Nancy burning it down and blackmailing Zoya was clever! Vehement handling the SEC retirement funds was, again, convenient, but like I said above, not implausible. And Silas being dubbed by Emma

I would agree that a lot of the development in this episode was convenient, but was handled in a way that I didn't find to be too absurd or unrealistic. While it's convenient that Vehement would handle the SEC retirement funds, it's not implausible. I did think the way Nancy handled Foster / Zoya was very clever.

Great Episode!
I actually agree with most of your points in the review; however, I thought this was a really excellent episode, compared to the rest of the season. We've been asking for serious plot development, and we definitely got it here. I'd give it an A.

Worst Episode Yet
I think it's become rather obvious that Web Therapy is only as good as it's guest stars. Kudrow is wonderful, but when playing off such boring characters such as Bryn and Justin from this week and last, it makes the show so sad.

Lily Tomlin
Tomlin was excellent in her scene. The dynamic between Fiona and her mother is something that should really be explored!

I still thoroughly enjoy Weeds! Sure it's not the series it once was, but I love the characters and it is my pleasure to follow their lives each season.

Fiona's Mother
We know that we'll be seeing Fiona's mother, who will be played by the wonderful Lily Tomlin. I'm very excited to see their scenes together!

I'm always curious about the music featured on Weeds! I was actually going to go search for it this morning, so thank you!

I am rooting for Nancy, in a few different regards. I would have said that it would be better for Stevie to live with Jill, but her deceit and behavior toward both Nancy and him are really disgusting. Making Stevie cry in front of Nancy just to show him who loves him more is just cruel.