Martian Judge

I'll hafta look for that Alex.

I think it still holds up. Great performances all around for starters.

The ReDondo Beach Knight.

Steering the discussion a little bit… In regards to showing two sides to a single military campaign, there's a decent one on the Battle of Stalingrad
6-part podcast, Dan Carlin's Hardcore History, Free.

Yeah. with those aqua azure blue eyes, he should be called a Sea Wolf.

Group Consensus
This feels kinda weird. We all essentially agree we like this guy and there isn't much conflict or discussion otherwise.

…my font turned to Cooper Black too.

Speaking of gold chaps without clothing…
As a protical droid, fluent in in over six million forms of communication, C-3P0 would've been an excellent speech therapist in that movie.

Does guiding Ken Cosgrove through LA Noire count for anything? He's just such a pitch perfect straight arrow.

I remember watching a Mengele twin documentary and uncomfortably surprised by some survivors describing Mengele as so charming, nice and sooooo good looking.

Not that I'm a Bay defender, and I have zero plans to see it, but is his bad reputation getting in the way of an otherwise decent summer popcorn flick? I heard the 3-D is well done and the fight scenes were engaging.

I had always heard that Toy Story came first because of the CGI limitations of the time. Most everything could only appear as smooth and plastic-like.

That being said… I still haven't seen the First Class X-men yet…

I'll get on my Matthew Vaughn soapbox again.

Also rewatched Coraline. I had forgotten how terrific that was.

I finally caught Toy Story 3 on Netflix. I found it reliably excellent. I guess that it's a tired topic to discuss the Cars being the weakest of their litter and the surprised emphasis on Larry for the Cars 2 go-around.

Hey! Haven't ya heard of the Russian Steppes?! The Potemkin people always get killed on 'em!

All snark aside, the Rocky Balboa closing credits with stairstep pilgrims were a nice, fitting, genuine moving send off.

I'd say that's just as clever and funny the first time as the 10,000 time on hears it.

thank you! You won't be disappointed!