I know what you mean about the Bravo show. I always thought it was a lame try at a modeling show, but this season, I'd rather watch it than ANTM.
I know what you mean about the Bravo show. I always thought it was a lame try at a modeling show, but this season, I'd rather watch it than ANTM.
@OranjeMonkey, you were not imagining. It looked he knew he got away with singing really, really badly without suffering anything. I wonder if he laughs like W…heh heh heh…
haha - good story
In addition to a bra, the first woman also needed some kind of slip or a less transparent dress because you could see through it when the light shined a certain way (i.e., a bad way). And I thought KC looked like Tony Soprano's brother.
It has been getting creepier. Both last week and this week I needed to take some time to calm down before going to bed. It's not so much fear but a low-level feeling that things aren't quite right.
Thanks for the link - I want to try it, but fear I'll lose hours in a trance.
Best quote from Castro: "I was thinkin' Bob Marley!"
Vegas is backing Adam?? Why is this not surprising…
Oh please no more ROL. They (VH1 maybe?) did a show about Vince Neil a while ago about his transformation. Basically he had a ton of plastic surgery and lost weight…
I used to think she could sing, but after the last few weeks, I don't think she can technically or emotionally anymore. Danny Gokey can sing but really doesn't bring the listener any kind of emotional experience with his songs. She's got to be one of the 2 going home…
" actually, I'd pay to see a cat fight between the two of them."
My first thought was that Lil could handle it, too, but she hasn't been able to pull any of her songs off so I'm not sure she'll be too safe next week. I'm hoping Danny really does terrible so he and his glasses get voted off - though I don't think it'll happen. I'd enjoy seeing his face after Ryan explains that the…
Thanks for giving credit where credit was due, Bob.
Next thing you know, Ryan will start telling the contestants -don't fuck it up - before they sing.
Limmic - I thought the same thing. All those yellows couldn't have come from one small bag, let alone a handful. And I noticed the notebook switching sides, too…I thought they were going to do something about that but it may have just been an oversight, which they can't do on that show because they train us to watch…
I don't think it was a showcase of the incompetency of the Dollhouse so much as showing how even if they have the technology and the funding, they can't fully control the Dolls' actions - hence the cutting of the power supply.
ah - that's right!!
this season is sooo dull. This season's makeover freak-out was lame at best. I miss the days of Janice Dickenson. Remember how she yelled at April for ratting out Jade?? And yes, I'm embarrassed that I remember this…
you're right - I think Tyra is the president of her fan club.
She put on a show, though, which was a nice contrast to the boringness (and kind of creepiness) of Smokey Robinson and Joss Stone from last week.