Harvey Harvey Harvey Dent

On the whole I laughed at these two episodes exponentially more than the first two, despite their problem spots. I was down on this show at first, but if it only gets funnier from here, I can see myself enjoying it.

As weird as it would be, it kind of seems like it has to be a reference. The way Phil made her say it exactly…


Because it is awful.

Never had as big a problem with that storyline as most people did. It wasn't as unrealistic as Landry joining the Panthers, and being good.

At least The Office was…never mind.

The crying was the best part.

Hi Harvey Dent.

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Trailer makes it look awful. And isn't Tyler Perry somehow involved?


The sad part is, the Andy storyline was my favorite part of the episode.

Abed + Pierce 4ever

What? You're A-ing us!?

Hey, you forgive me for my gold chains, I'll forgive you for the iron chains. Dawg.

Christmas is probably the worst at this point for me.

Chang eating his twin sister in utero, anyone?

I liked that they finally messed with Troy and Abed's perfect friendship and got fairly dark, but Evil Abed with a bone saw was probably a bit much.

I liked it mostly in a "Thank God that's over" sort of way. It was funny and relatively painless, and now Troy and Britta are mercifully back to being just friends.

The Blade episode was fantastic, and one of my favorite non-concept episodes. But Blade doesn't seem like a terrible guy, something I've had a hard time reconciling with the theme of the episode. Is it because he has no shame he is also a bad boyfriend? Because he sure seemed nice at the carnival.