Who wants PIZZA ROLLS?!
Who wants PIZZA ROLLS?!
I wouldn't give Sgt. Hatred many Skittles, either…
It's a good day to die.
I think this relies on the assumption that Hank and Dean are fertile, or that even if their fucked up clone sperm could somehow swim that far upstream, that they'd produce a fetus that could make it to term.
And Brock as Agent Topanga Lawrence.
Aw, man…
Why the needless jab at CAKE, Matos? Not a fan of sheep, goats, heaven, hell, short skirts, and/or long jackets?
Well, even the "Bond Girl" didn't get it on with Bond in QoS. I strangely appreciated that.
I'll never get over Outsourced being on after The Office. That's like airing a show called "Malpractice Suit" after House or Grey's Anatomy.
BAG - Huh?? Rick Castle doesn't seem like a semi-Asperger's character to me!! Brennan, on the other hand…
drdarkeny - Yipes. I live on a Navy base and have never seen an episode of NCIS. I hope they don't come arrest me!
How could you forget!
I love "through" downs. ;D
Jose Chung's was my first X-Files episode. A weird way to be introduced, but it got me, hook, line, and sinker. Darin Morgan penned almost all of my favorite episodes, so it's fitting that he would lead me into a love, an obsession that would redefine my entire life. Seriously. I owe everything I have to the X-Files.
I would enjoy weekly updates.
I understand why you wouldn't like, want to review it all the time, but at the same time… somebody's reviewing that awful Work of Art show and for the life of me, I can't figure out why.
I'm glad I'm not the only one.
I felt embarrassed to realize I was enjoying this show. I guess I'm not alone, then? It really is all about Elliot and her warm, inviting personality. Also, she's way pretty! I find it somewhat insulting to insinuate that she's not.
The thing I loved most about AToTS is the soundtrack. That waltz is just haunting.
After the great take on guys who love hug pillows, I was startled that they would mistake "plushie" for "furry"… because what that guy described was totally furry.
Are you having a party I can't see?
Mike O'Malley makes this show for me. And right now I want to make some joke about how he's got a way of presenting himself as a dude's dude with feelings… hmm… D-D-D-D-D-DO YOU HAVE IT? HEART!
I thought he said "urasai!"