Hideously Useless

Loved it, but…
Molly Shannon's character is an ASTRONOMY teacher? And badminton coach? Come on. Have these scriptwriters ever been to a rinky dink high school in the middle of nowhere? They couldn't afford to build a wheelchair ramp. A wheelchair ramp! I really doubt they have an astronomy class, much less a badminton

Yeah, I have never been so touched by a scene involving a grown man and a peacock having drinks together.

@phodreaw - I had such a strong reaction to that description that I seriously just gagged.

I was surprised to find out the Taco Bell on the Navy base I live on has enchiritos. Go figure.

Magnets, sure…
But I have to say my favorite line is the bit about feeding a fish to a pelican.

I wanna start a band called Her Name Is Bambi, is that close enough?

Do it do it do it!


It made me feel really good, which kinda made up for how awful I felt after that that treacly "Imagine" number in the previous episode.

Bob, They'd probably have to change the name to Monkeys on a Truck.

Sorry if you have already…
…but does anyone else find it odd that Schu spent money on a bunch of wheelchairs instead of, I don't know, putting that towards the bus they were raising money for? Even if it was a "tag sale" at a retirement home, those were nice wheelchairs!! Aren't they expensive?

Maybe she just wanted the flavor of bacon in a dip…

I would watch the Patton Oswalt sitcom, for sure, but that was already a given, because I love that little troll.

Guidance Counselors are
Awesome, I knew this game would be good for something.

I adore her hair and her wardrobe and… I don't know, her face.

Anonymous37, are you a chemist, or are you involved in black ops? If it's the latter, you don't have to say so. It's cool.