
I'm so dumb… Sitting here thinking that a factoid is "a brief or trivial item of news or information". Stupid stupid stupid. But, you really shouldn't be relegating such vital information to AV Club boards. Call Oxford quickly because they screwed it up too.

A couple problems with the Firework video
- It implies that people who practice magic tricks get beat up less than those who don't.
- It implies that cancer is a self-esteem issue and a bit of confidence is all you need to leave the hospital
- It implies that making out with a person before talking to them is the best

Just a bit of trivia
The group of five guys that see the girls off at Tokyo station is the band Godaigo, a pop outfit from back in the day with a pair of gaijin. It would be like The Backstreet Boys showing up in Dead By Dawn for no reason except just because.

AV Club:
Since you guys have the in, any chance you can tell us who is doing the announcers voice?

I think the strength of the episode wasn't the set-up, but the way Paul was able to jungle such a wide variety of characters without anyone getting slighted. We had a full-cast board room meeting, a full Michael & Dwight story, and a cameo from all of Michael's girlfriends.


Just takes you right back…
don't it?

Nathan - You're forgetting one thing in this column!
What quotes from this episode have stuck with you guys throughout your life?

I propose a double feature
The Living Wake
The Waking Life

I blame alcohol being awesome and sex for being rad.

Actually, this research correlates to some research I was conducting on my own. Zedophile, if you would like to come with me on my next field test, you're more than welcome. My hypothesis is that 3% of middle schoolers are about to have 100% of the shit beat out of them by 25% of their peers.

Hellz yeah!
Graham gives the wand a good shake.


I prefer the remake with Alex Winter way more. Mr. T is the shit!

Can't think of any phrase but:
"Marble-mouthed anti-charisma"

That episode really didn't work for me. The first three this season we tight. But… man… What a bummer.

I could be wrong, but I think it's pronounced 'gaiden'.

What's the rush…

She was really funny in Night at the Museum II: Battle for the Smithsonian. I'm glad they decided to do a spinoff movie focusing on her character.

Leonard Cohen - Famous Blue Raincoat. You get a rich character arc and a detailed back story all communicated through flashbacks. And it's emotionally resonant.