
In my opinion, there's a difference between a Native person sharing their vision and culture with the world, vs. non-native designers playing with their interpretation of "tribal" prints, that are hackneyed or cliched.  Designers have been exploiting the "native" look forever. Time for a real Native to take back her

Honestly, the wolf sweaters were hot in Portland how long ago? I was there in 2009 and those things were all over the place.  There is absolutely nothing fresh about her designing.

She's not  _just_ a Native American designer though. She's not limited to only native "tribal" designs, many of which are more exploitative than authentic.  She definitely needs to refine her look, but on her worst day, she's better than Forever 21's Halloween "Indian" costume approach to native wear. 

I'm rooting for Patricia.  She has more originality than the last several seasons of designers combined.

That was irritating.

Yeah, she's definitely clueless when it comes to her love life.

I thought the ending with the directions was a nice touch… Primarily because I can relate to that exact moment when a new town becomes "yours".

Who cares if they don't like the term POC?  It's a common term.  Just because they're not familiar with it, doesn't mean YOU have to change.

Oh that was ridiculous! Loved it.

I don't know if it says "Let's move past race" as much as reminds the viewer that Olivia Pope likely deals with it ALL the time.  Despite her position of power, there will always be people who undermine her because of race.  She has to deal with that as well as well as the complexities of her job.

She was annoying until she got that microchip.

Agreed! If you AV can review the Carrie Diaries (which seems to have little commentary), then keep up with Scandal!

At least Eli is not worse than Declan!

What's an affirmative action subplot?

I thought the same thing. I wonder if Nyesha refused to be a part of the show after they ambushed her like that.

I'm glad she confessed right away so we didn't have to deal with several episodes of her lying, then Carrie inevitably finding out and narrating the entire tale of woe.

Yeah, I don't get the total love for Alyssa here.  She "plays the game" but in the most annoying way possible.  She's too fake, in my opinion— and it's pretty hard to be too fake for a drag contest.

How does this series keep hemorrhaging actors? The season is only like 6 episodes.  Don't they already have enough time to do movies? American actors manage to do it all the time with TV season that are three times as long.

This is what pissed me off. NO one brought up Stanley's concept of cohesion, includin Stanley himself!  Ben loves the sound of his own voice, so he sat p there trying to take credit because he finally had one dress he didn't mess up.

I have no issue with the drop crotch pants. People have been sagging pants for DECADES now. Decades.  So the drop crotch then gives the illusion of sagging without me actually having to see anyone's drawers or butt crack. It's a blessing, really.