Pops Freshenmeyer

The show has made the impossible (for me) happen. It's been so dragged out, I no longer care about Arya's story.

I know you're joking, but wait until about 2018 when the editors here pick some unlucky writer to put out:

African or European?

If you're confused, just remember all the white characters are the bad guys.

The Creeper is the only believable character in the whole movie, and so my friends and I are convinced they actually just found a real junkie instead of casting an actor for that role.

They discovered zombie guts work as camouflage in episode two. They never used it again until the most recent season because… reasons. I feel the writers need the characters to make stupid decisions to ratchet up the drama which bothers me because even though the zombie genre has been done to death at this point, it's

Don't forget King Llort! (Pictured above)

Ah! I forgot that. It's been a long time since I've seen that movie.

Michael Ian Black will be last to arrive at 9:45

Extra points for using the Kobayashi Maru analogy. That actually makes me want to see it more.

Agreed, I mean, I realize they're running a business but headlines like this (along with increasing reliance on "great job Internet" and the worsening "for our consideration") are starting to get concerning

Whalers on the moon*

According to someone I met who has worked with him doing promotions for his restaurants, when the cameras are not rolling the two are apparently more similar than you would think.

Awesome premise, a handful of great ideas, poor execution.

Pretty clever!

Whenever these pun threads end, cattle be the day I stop coming to this site.

"Hey, I told you, you don't get a gun until you tell me your name"

What kind of construction worker are we talking about here?

I must have missed that, or I was thinking too logically. Not every drug in the pharmacy would have been useful or even still viable. I must have made up a narrative in my head that they brought her to select the anti hypertensives and diabetes medicines that would fit in their bags and leave the chemo meds and Viagra

I'll hang my head in shame. I post so infrequently anyway.