Pops Freshenmeyer

As a third year medical student on a surgery rotation your job is to stand and watch, if you're lucky you might get to hold a retractor. And that rotation is only around 6-8 weeks depending on the school. Not to mention her four year psychiatry residency where she would have not practiced/honed any of those skills.

She was a psychiatrist, not a "psych major" meaning she went to medical school. Everything about her learning surgery or other procedures was completely unrealistic (those take years of residency), but she would have taken pharmacology classes, so taking her to the pharmacy was a reasonable plan if certain antibiotics

Hey, I like Kinja better than Discus.

I know I'll probably be kicked out as well, but Majora was one of my least favorites. I think it's probably because there are only four dungeons. The dungeons and bosses are typically what I enjoy the most. The side quests are fun enough, but it felt like 75% of the characters are basically reused from OoT. Complete

They get to be on TV, which honestly is probably the goal of most of the contestants.

I was shouting too, but only because we've seen fire and water NOT kill zombies in the past. Governor's assistant Nerdlinger did a bunch of experiments where they tried burning zombies - and it didn't work. They just became charred looking zombies. And there was the episode with the semi-reformed governor's

He's been riding that along with the inability to do an impression without reverting to his own voice halfway through the sketch for the past 15 seasons or whatever, so why change now?

And don't even get me started on Greys Anatomy. Have you ever had a patient ask you about that movie Awake? I try to shut them down in the most polite way possible and maybe use a little bit of humor to point out how ridulous it all sounds but some days it's hard. I've pretty much just come to grips with the fact

Im actually not offended and didn't mean to come across as cross, I feel like this is one of those arguments that only exists because of the Internet. From what I can gather, you and I probably agree on most of this. I'm more of the mindset though that people who automatically shit on religious types because of what

Definitely a little nit-picky, but I see your point. I only used LGBT in reference to an above comment. I'm just most annoyed at the notion of tolerance toward everyone except for those groups we don't see eye-to-eye with. Sure a lot of Christians say and do horrible things in the name of Christianity, but one could

It seems like those defending the title are making the assumption that Christians are being offended and are rallying with pitchforks and torches right now. I really don't think that's the case. What bothers me is the persistent notion that, "well people who denigrate LGBT aren't the most open minded" as if to imply

Not to mention super blood that brings everyone back to life! I kind of still "like" the movie though I agree with anyone who doesn't because I recognize all the problems with it. Thst being said I have no idea how they'll write themselves out of that one. No one can die anymore, there goes all the tension on away


I don't mind it because DeForest Kelley playing McCoy was in many ways the character who was either Kirk's close friend/sounding board or just plain surly. Karl Urban nails the surly part with his mannerisms and facial expressions alone, and the lack of dialogue scenes in Star Trek action movies aren't really his

Well the original Enterprise was built like a steakhouse but handled like a bistro.

Fascinating captain, and also logical.

People keep using this word "Nemesis" as if it refers to a Star Trek movie or something. I'm pretty sure there were only three TNG movies.
Also, in fairness, I don't think it's been destroyed in either Abram's movies, just badly damaged.

I agree completely, aside from saying it impacted nobody. I had seen all 11 Star Trek movies and I guess I didn't read any previews for Star Trek 12, so I was legitimately surprised at the moment of the reveal. And there was some murmuring in the theatre I was in so I would guess I wasn't alone. My wife had no idea,

It's going to be doing a tour of college campuses?

Thanks a lot, now I have to explain to everyone at work why I've been laughing uncontrollably for the last 5 minutes.